الحصول على مساعدة لمشكلات الكحول والمخدرات الأخرى
There is a range of services available in South Australia for people who experience problems with alcohol and other drugs, which means there are many options for people with differing needs and treatment preferences.
Learn more about choosing a treatment service
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Park Terrace, Gilberton
(08) 8269 8100
Pirie Street, Adelaide
0452 570 263
King William Street, Adelaide
(08) 8212 3944
Wakefield Street, Adelaide
(08) 8228 8900
Carey Street, Salisbury
(08) 8412 9500
Mulberry Street, Glenside
1300 131 340
Adelaide Road, Murray Bridge
(08) 8531 1303
Wakefield Street, Adelaide
(08) 8406 1600
Beach Road, Christies Beach
(08) 8406 1600
Brady Street, Elizabeth Downs
(08) 8406 1600
North Terrace, Adelaide
(08) 8232 2424
Burman Avenue, Gilles Plains
(08) 8281 2499
Seacombe Road, Seaview Downs
(08) 7444 4260
هل وجدت ما كنت تبحث عنه؟
تقديم الآراء والإقتراحات
نرحب بتعليقات الجمهور لمساعدتنا في التحسين المستمر لهذه الخدمة.