您可以在每天上午8:30到晚上10:00期間撥打ADIS的直線1300 13 1340(僅限南澳州境內-按本地電話收費),或請求回電或電郵回覆,屆時服務處的輔導員將與您聯繫。
This request for information will be responded to via email within 24 hours.
If you have a more complex or urgent query, please call the DACAS (Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service) to speak to a specialist drug and alcohol clinician. This service is available 24 hours / 7 days on (08) 7087 1742.
Fact Sheets for health professionals are available on the SA Health website.
Sometimes we need to suggest a referral to another service. To help us provide the most appropriate referral information for you, please let us know, in the box below, if you have any preferences or requirements specific to your needs (e.g. age, culture, gender or sexuality).