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DRUG ALERT: Fake Xanax (Nitazenes and Novel Benzodiazepines) detected in South Australia
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Other resources for health professionals

For further resources and advice for health professionals visit the SA Health website.

Would you like to speak to someone now?

You or your clients can call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) on 1300 13 1340 (8:30am-10pm, 7 days/week) for information, counselling and referral.

The Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) provides a telephone and email service for South Australian health professionals seeking clinical information and clarification around clinical procedures, guidelines and evidence-based practice. This service does not provide proxy medical cover and cannot assume responsibility for direct patient care. Telephone (08) 7087 1742 - 24 hour 7 days/week including public holidays or email your enquiry to: