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Finding help for alcohol and other drug problems

How do I keep myself safe?

It is always safer not to use drugs, but there are ways to reduce the risks.

Be empowered

How do I get help?

If you have decided you need some help and support there are a range of options out there. If you just want to talk to someone you can call ADIS on 1300 13 13 40. There are a range of other options too.

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Do I really have a problem?

It can be confusing to know whether your alcohol or other drug use is a problem. There can be a range of effects on your health and wellbeing.

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more helpful resources:
Self Assessment Questionnaire (eASSIST Screening Tool)

Our questionnaire may help you to think about how your alcohol or other drug use is affecting your life.

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I thought I was hiding it but everyone knew. Asking for help was the best thing I ever did.

How do I know if they need help?

It can be worrying if someone you care about is drinking or taking drugs. If you want to help the first step is to see if their use is causing them harm.

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How can I support someone I think has a problem?

It can be hard to know the best way to support someone you care about who might be drinking or taking other drugs.

Find out how you can help

How can I help keep them safe?

The person you care about might not be ready to make big changes, until they are you can support them to stay safe and also look after yourself.

Learn what you can do

I desperately wanted him to stop but by supporting him he was able to cut down – and that’s a great start.

My client needs help

If you think your client may have substance misuse problems, the first step is to build trust so that they feel comfortable telling you their story.

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What type of treatment does my client need?

There is a range of effective treatment options depending on your client’s needs. It is common for clients to need a range of different treatments at different times.

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How can I help my client withdraw?

Sound withdrawal management (sometimes known as detoxification) allows a person who is dependent on alcohol or some other drug, to cease their use with safety and some level of comfort. It can involve rest, counselling, good nutrition, vitamins, and at times medications.

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more helpful resources:
Resources for Health Professionals

The Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) provides a telephone and email service for South Australian health professionals seeking clinical information and clarification around clinical procedures, guidelines and evidence-based practice.

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I could see this was hard for her so I did my best to listen without giving advice.

There are support services available.

There is a range of services available in South Australia for people who experience problems with alcohol and other drugs, which means there are many options for people with differing needs and treatment preferences. Many of these services are free.

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Would you like to speak to someone now?

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) is a confidential telephone counselling, information and referral service.

(Available 8:30am-10pm, 7 days for SA callers only).

You can also contact a counsellor online 24/7.

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Do I really have a problem?

Self Assessment Questionnaire (eASSIST)

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Australia's COVID-19 response, visit

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